Sunday, February 28, 2010

Orange, Orange, Orange

I’ve given up and accepted orange.

My high school colors were orange and white, and I really, really, didn’t care for the colors. Casual clothing wise, I've always been a navy blue or forest green polo shirt with khakis kind of guy.

Then, in Army basic training, the uniform collar tabs for my training company were orange. (Hmm, odd coincidence.)

Then, I earned my undergraduate degree and Regular Army Commission from the University of Texas at El Paso whose colors were- you guessed it, orange and white.

Then graduate school at…Syracuse, otherwise known as “The Orange Men.”

So I give up. My next tie is going to be orange.


PS- OK, Canada won the gold in hockey. But Syracuse won in basketball. So I can live vicariously through that.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Clearly Fate intends for you and orange to be together!