Thursday, December 15, 2016

On the Importance of New Year (a reprint from 2007)

During a quiet New Years Eve dinner at home, my wife told me she saw New Years Day as a crock.

Her point being that you could start the calendar year on any day. So aside from a day off from work, New Years Day held no real meaning unlike say Christmas.

I disagreed. I think people have a strong need for endings and new beginnings.

The marking of New Years gives us the opportunity to look around and be introspective. It's a chance for a fresh start and a re-stacking of priorities.

The value of this should not be dismissed.

So with that in mind, may the New Year bring you health, wealth and happiness; and all that you seek.


“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Socrates (dead Greek guy)

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