Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Years 2009: Confessions of an Analog Man

OK, I have a confession to make. Despite my daily use of a digital ThinkPad and Blackberry Pearl, I still cling to my Franklin Day Planner.

I have it on my desk, and I carry it with me in the car. I draw great satisfaction from checking off items on my daily to-do-list, and I use it as a written record of daily events. My wife who has gone completely digital for many years teases me about this evolutionary throw-back behavior, but I persist.

I first started using the Franklin Day Planner system as a new stockbroker with Merrill Lynch in the early 1990s. Merrill used to issue a basic planner to new brokers. After I had a particular good production month, the branch manager gave me a leather ringed binder which is what I’ve used since that day. It’s old and battered now, but I refuse to part with it.

The one concession I have made to the twenty-first century is that I don’t carry my planner with me on business trips anymore because of the bulk. On those occasions I go completely digital; but on my return, I dutifully (and lovingly) write long hand into my day planner what transpired.

I keep the past three years in ringed storage cases, and then destroy them along with other paper documents which have exceeded their 36 month keep.

Like the 1975 Paul Simon lyrics, “I seem to lean on old familiar ways.”

May your 2009 be happy and prosperous.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find that to be case for myself as well. However, instead of the standard issue Franklin Covey planner, I use a Moleskin planner. If you've never seen one of these, you should take a trip down to your local Border's Bookstore-they have an assortment of Moleskins.