Tuesday, February 09, 2010

An old dog is the best dog- poem

An old dog is the best dog,
A dog with rheumy eyes;
An old dog is the best dog
A dog grown sad and wise,
Not one who snaps at bubbles,
Nor one who barks at nowt,
A dog who knows your troubles,
A dog to see you out.

An old bitch is the best bitch,
Not pups to fetch your sticks;
An old bitch is the best bitch,
Not one to teach new tricks,
Not one who's up and leaping,
But one whose coat is grey,
Leg's twitching while she's sleeping
In dreams of yesterday.

-Felix Dennis

Both photos are of Henry, my oldest Lab. He’s the arch nemesis of “Harvey,” a squirrel who lives in our front oak trees. H occasionally brings us some of Harvey’s insufficiently speedy relatives as gifts.

Felix Dennis the author of the poignant poem is a bit of an odd duck. He writes poetry but is best known as a successful magazine publisher and has written an odd assembly of books and pamphlets ranging from the death of Bruce Lee to how to get rich.


1 comment:

John E. Pacheco said...

For the curious or confused, the definition of nowt (used at end of the 6th line in the poem):

nowt –nounBritish Dialect.
naught; nothing.